Interesting Post

3 Days Bike Trip : Second Day

We had returned to Haridwar the last day and stayed in the haridwar. Then after breakfast we proceed next morning and then go out in search of a new place, then we go from Rishikesh to a distance of 2 km away from the Ram Jhula 

and is like a beach on some distances. there is something like that, that place is also called the beach of Goa


. It is a very good place to sit in cool sand on the beach and big stone rock like it was some sadhu mahatma, making a cave in the lower sand of the big rocks His worship was busy in meditation. It is believed that when Ram Laxman and Sitaji came for exile, they stayed in Rishikesh and to cross the river Laxman had constructed a bridge from the ropes, due to which the size of this bridge is still the same as today. At that time it was said to be shaky and it is also said that there was a sage who had got a boon that his hair would be very long, due to which the place got Rishikesh's name.

The Sacred river Ganges flow through Rishikesh. Here the river leaves the Shivalik Hills in the Himalyas.

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