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Road Construction : Highway Laboratory

As I have told you in my previous blog how to find the dry density of soil. So today we will talk about what the tests are done in the laboratory before the road is prepared and what precaution should be kept in mind. 

 Before constructing the road, we examined the soil there and its C.B.R. tests are done. C.B.R test stands for " California Bearing Ratio ". 

First of all we find the Moisture Content after the after Compaction

Then we do OMC ( Optimum Moisture Content )

  then MDD (Maximum Dry Density ), then we do CBR ( California Bearing Ratio ). After that the GSB ( Granular Sub Base) happens, we hold 25cm of the thickness of the GSB ( Granular Sub Base). After that we put WBM

WBM stands for ( Water Bond Macadum ).

 The thickness of this WBM ( Water Bound Macadum )  is 30cm after compression. It has 2 layers of G2 and G3. The thickness of the G2 layer is between 30 to 65 mm and the thickness of the 3 layers is between 22.5 and 45mm.
WBM + GSB have a thickness of 55cm after compression.
Then we will put in the Spray of Bitumen whose Viscosity Grade is 30.  

Then we will use DBM ( Dense Bituminous Macadum )

whose thickness should be 50 to 55mm. The aggregate used in DBM is like a layer with dimension is 20mm + 10mm + 6mm + dust.  This DBM contains 4.5 percent of Bitumin.  Then we put BC i.e. Bituminous Concrete

in it, whose thickness is 40mm. The aggregate used is 10 mm + 6 mm + dust. It has 5.4 percent of bitumen.

STEP WISE : MC < OMC < MDD < CBR < GSB < WBM < Spray of Bitumin < DBM < BC.

We use SDBC ( Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete) to repair any old roads. Its thickness is 25 mm, in which 4.5% of butimin and aggregate occur in 6 mm + dust.

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